Cultural connections in barbados

See the source image             One of the main ethnic groups that has shaped Barbado into the country that it is today is the white British. Barbados was colonized by the British in the year 1625 until November 30, 1966. A common nickname for Barbados is called   A lot of the customs of Barbados is inhabited by British culture. Even after the colonization period, finish they still kept some of the customs because that is how they were raised for generations. for example, Barbados has established and adopted the way of the English government. For example, the way they run their government, Barbados creates a parliamentary in the year 1639. In 1966 Barbados gained full political independence but instead they decided to stick to their original customs they were used to. 

See the source image         Barbados is also influenced by a lot of west African culture because of the African slave trade. During the African slave trade a lot of the culture was infused into the Bajan culture creating a new way of life this is called cultural blending. Therefore, there is so much similarity between the two different cultures although they are different in certain aspects. In the end the history of Barbados will always fall back to the motherland because that is where the people came from. Throughout time the African culture in Barbados has slowly fade away as if it is no longer there that is why it comes off as a shock when we look at the two cultures. I think it is important to always realize that there is a part of Africia in me down the embrace line. I may not see it or beware of it, but it is in me and the rest of the Bajans  somewhere and I must always embrace it for my ancestors because a part of my history and theirs was ripped  from us. 

See the source image

The culture of Barbados is very strong and proud. The flag of Barbados has a broken trident, and that single trident signifies the nations strength and show how they are stronger by themselves than under the British rule. Our accents are very distinguished from the rest of the Caribbean countries. Although people may move away from Barbados their cultural identity still follows them. For example, a lot of the European culture is that you go to church on Sunday and have a big family dinner it is also the same with us Bajans. Christianity plays a very big role in our community and culture and so does family time, family is very important because your family is your backbone and she always be treated with the upmost respect. For instance, if I have a cousin who is older than me, I will not address them as my cousin but instead as my uncle or aunt this is also the same in African culture. 




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