Saint Lucia 4.0
Deandra Greenidge
Saint Lucia is a sovereign country located in the Caribbean Sea on the boundary near the Atlantic Ocean. Saint Lucia is known as the” Land of the Iguanas” due to the high popularity of iguanas roaming the island. The Arawaks called the island Louanolao and when the Carbis seized control the name was then changed to Hewanorra. Juan de la cosa produced a map of Columbus discoveries listed St. Lucia on the map as El Falcon. Whereas on a globe in the Vatican it is called Sancta Lucia which was then translated to Saint Lucia as we know it today.
A French pirate François le Clerc was actually the first European to ever set up camp in the 1550’s. In 1605, the first attempt at settlement in St. Lucia only occurred because an English ship carrying 67 colonists to Guyana was blown off course due to inclement weather. The island at the time was conquered by the Carbis so a lot of the settlers did get attack for trespassing. In 1664 Thomas warner conquer St. Lucia for England but failed to protect it leading the French to conquer the island is 1674 Britian and France continued to fight over control eventually Britian won in 1814.
In 1967 the flag of Saint Lucia is composed of light, blue, white, black and yellow. The blue stands for the ocean and the Sky. Whereas the black and white stands for the unified difference in race of the people on this wonderful island. The yellow symbolizes the sunshine, and the triangle represents the pitons which is a volcano. Surprisingly unlike the other islands Saint Lucia’s Independence Day is not the nations national holiday. The nations holiday land on December 13 this day is also known as feast day this was named of a martyr named saint lucy.
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